Sunday, 26 February 2017

Week 5 Term 1 (Gala week)

Thank you for all the Gala donations, it's on this Thursday!

All students need their PE uniform every day - we are taking part in the Rotorua Mini Marathon challenge. Every student who has their PE uniform tomorrow will get a Banqer Bonus.

Home learning

Students have a copy of a Mihi template in their Google drive to complete with their whanau. Parents please help your child identify their local places that your family relates to. We will be recording these next week.
Ask your parents if you can make pancakes at home on Tuesday. Explain to your family the significance of Shrove Tuesday. If you are allowed to measure the ingredients, then that is extra maths as well.
Read Read Read


1.30pm   Shrove Tuesday Promise Ceremony-Hall
2.00pm   Reading Log draw. - Hall.

Kahikatea and Totara Swimming Sports (Middle and Senior school) Go to the Aquatic centre with togs, sunscreen hat, water, lunch and snacks and house colours).

9.00am Ash Wednesday Liturgy. St Mary’s Church.

4.00 - 7.00pm School Gala.


1.30pm Tug of War. Golden Time
2.15pm Assembly. We are on Assembly duty this week, however it may only be short as the tog of war will most likely go over time. Children reading and speaking in assembly will know before Friday.


Friday, 24 February 2017

Nihao ma

This week we had our first Chinese language lesson for the year. Bethany is our new teacher and this week we have been recapping some of our previous learning from last year. The Google slides that were used are on our Learning site.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Camp Gear List

Please note: For any information regarding camp you can click on the 'Camp' label on the right side of this blog. 

Student Gear List

Baking: Please send some baking along to school on the day we leave (Please, no nuts in the baking). The baking will be shared out for morning and afternoon teas.

Backpack which each student will keep with them on the first day. This bag should contain:
  • Morning tea, lunch and a filled named drink bottle for the first day of the Camp.  Please make sure this is easily accessible and named (a disposable paper or plastic bag would be better than a lunchbox).
  • Raincoat – if wet weather
  • Sunhat
  • Sunblock
  • Pencil/Pen and a few pages of refill or blank paper to make notes 
Bag - Please pack a small bag (gym bag or similar) and NOT a suitcase. We need to pack all luggage in car boots and we will not have room for suitcases.
Large plastic bag for dirty or wet clothing
Sleeping bag or blanket 
Single sheet (to cover mattress)
Pillow and pillow case
Two towels
Swimsuit and plastic bag
Sweatshirts or fleece jackets or jersey
Jeans, trousers or sweatpants
Sports shoes or similar
Jandals or sandals
Tissues - small packet for personal use
Toiletry gear - which needs to include soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, facecloth, comb/hairbrush

Camera (bring at your own risk)
Pack of cards or small board game

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Week 4 Term 1

We will be swimming every day this week. Please confirm wiht your child that they are organised for learning, this includes bringing their Chromebook with a full battery every day, bringing their spelling notebook and checking they have the stationery they will need. Swimming is part of our curriculum and is not optional, please ensure your child has their togs.

MONDAY 20TH FEBRUARY. GALA;Tinned goods, bags of sweets - e.g. beetroot, fruit, baked beans, peaches, Mackintosh’s, jet planes, licorice allsorts.  Any preloved baskets or platters you no longer require would be gratefully accepted for the quick fire raffles.

TUESDAY 21ST FEBRUARY. GALA: Nacho Day - Corn chips, tinned tomatoes, chilli or kidney beans, onions, nacho mince recipe sachets.
12.30 pm Lunchtime Disc. Raising money for St John’s Parishioners (see the poster below).

WEDNESDAY 22ND FEBRUARY. GALA: Bathroom / Toiletries Day - Soap, hand wash, tissues, shampoo, conditioner, toilet tissue, hand creams, bubble bath etc
8.45am School Singing

THURSDAY 23RD FEBRUARY. GALA: Books / Packet / Boxes day – Bring a packet or box of something e.g. biscuits, cereal, flour, crackers, chips, sultanas, cornflakes, breadcrumbs, Handee towels, jelly, pretzels etc.  Plastic bags appreciated
Voyager: Kate, Michelle R and Nicky.

FRIDAY 24TH FEBRUARY. GALA: Bottle Day - Please bring a bottle or jar of something e.g. shampoo, sauce, condiment / relish, perfume, jam, cooking oil etc. Please note no alcohol is allowed to be brought to school by childre
11.00 am Pasifika Practice
11.45 am Band practice
1.30 pm   Inter-house Tug of War. ‘Golden Time’.
2.05 pm   Assembly. Commissioning of Leaders.

MONDAY 27TH FEBRUARY. GALA: Books, toys and Baby Elephant - Board games, children’s sporting equipment, CD's, DVD's, play station games, jigsaws, corn chips, tinned tomatoes

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Learning about fire and chemical ractions

Today we learned about what fire needs and how chemicals can burn different colours. Just like when we see fireworks. It was fun being a scientist and exploring our ideas in groups.

Here's a little clip of our learning to get an idea of how fireworks fly up into the sky.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Week 3 Term 1

Please remember to return camp forms and fill in this medical form.

The following students will be attending a Dynamos leadership course, bring your PE gear.
Reegan, Callum, Angus, James, Riley, Noah & Brendon. The course will be held at school.


8.45am School Singing.


Band and PI groups practice

The Countdown to our annual gala is on. More information will be out this week.

Home Learning:

  • Students should be learning the spelling rule as well as the words on their lists. 
  • Maths Whizz - Work towards your 60 mins. 
  • Talk to your family about your Banqer account. Develop a savings plan!
  • Have a look around the Senior Learning zone, can you find your reading learning?

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Welcoming Mass

On Friday we had our first mass of the year. Leah and her family were formally welcomed into our community. Brooke and Ryan also spoke during the Mass and Zach was an Alter server. 

Goldentime fun

For GoldenTime today we could bring anything battery operated.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Measuring with Bikes

Today we learned how to measure with bike tires. We put the tube that you put air in near the ground. Then we rolled it over to the same position then we measured how far it went. Then every rotation was added to make the total measurement. It was fun figuring out how to use our bikes as measuring tools.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Week 2 Term 1

We had a lovely start to the school year with the students settled and happy.

Parent Interviews : Thursday 9 February: 3.15pm to 6.00pm
To book an interview with your child's teacher please follow this process -
* parent/teacher interview school bookings
* event code 6w7hp
This is a chance for parents to discuss any learning or social issues they may feel Mr J should know about.

As our library is still out of commission I would strongly recommend families take the time to visit the Rotorua library to grab some books to read. We will be having a small number of St Mary's library books available but this will be a limited supply and be for in-class reading only. 

Please make sure your child is in correct uniform and has a hat. Students that do not have a hat will need to spend break times in the shade of the office steps. 

We are swimming this week.

Waitangi Day ( school is closed)


8.45am School Singing

Bike to School day (Meet at Arawa Bowls club if you want to bike to school with your mates).
Parent Interviews : Thursday 9 February: 3.15pm to 6.00pm

To book an interview with your child's teacher please follow this process -
* parent/teacher interview school bookings
* event code 6w7hp

Sausage Sizzle

Friday, 3 February 2017

Learning some Maths games

Today we learned some new maths games. We learned Bowl a fact, Multiplication blocks, Find sums and Sum stacker. Playing these games will help us know basic facts.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Camp 2017

We will be having camp this term! More information will be coming out soon. Click here to access the online medical form. 

Swimming with Henk

This week we have been swimming with Henk. Having fun in the pool.