Thursday, 27 April 2017

Week 1 Term 2

Remember to wear winter uniform from Monday.

We are going to be taking part in the Mini Marathon at Government Gardens on Friday morning. All students are to be dropped off there, it will be busy so please look for the St Mary's flag. We require some parent help for the walk back (a notice will come home Monday). Please make sure students are in correct PE uniform.

Anzac Liturgy 10am
Running training

Resurrection Liturgy 10am
Squash - bring your PE gear


Warmer day - bring something wrapped in tinfoil to heat up in class e.g. cookie, toasted sandwich, savoury... Note: Heat up only not cook so make sure whatever you bring just needs heating.
Order your sausages and juicies for tomorrow today!

Mini Marathon - meet at Government Gardens
Sausage Sizzle

Thursday, 13 April 2017

School closing early today

We have been advised by the Ministry of Education to close school by 1pm today. Please collect your your child/children from their classroom at 12.30 today. Thanks. Apologies for the short notice.

Marae stay documentary

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Mufti day to help our neighbours affected by flooding

Lost property is overflowing - so all items are now on display in the back of the school hall until Thursday. Please feel free to come and check anytime.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Mystery photo.

Taken by Brooke and Jaymie. 

Here is this week's mystery photo. Add you name and answer to a piece of paper and place it into the box in class.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Week 11 Term 1 Holy Week

This week is Holy week, the most important week on the Catholic calendar, leading up to Easter.

If students have outgrown their sandals or they are broken then they should wear their winter black shoes with school socks.

We are continuing to train for the Mini Marathon this week, please bring PE gear.

3 way conferences are after school on Monday and Tuesday Please make a booking here. Our code is 7zb55 

Mini marathon training
After school 3-Way Conferences

Mini marathon training
After school 3-Way Conferences

Mini marathon training
8.45 am School Singing

Mini marathon training
10.00am Washing of the Feet Liturgy. Hall
2.00pm Kapa haka (hopefully)
Banqer Auction (Parents ask you child about this).
Last Day of Term 1 --- Holidays :-)

Friday, 7 April 2017

Grace's News

Easy Blog Photo
A few weekends ago I went to a horse show and I won three Ribbons. At the show I came first, third and fourth.

KJ's News

Easy Blog Photo
A couple of days ago KJ won one thousand dollars because her dad built some ramps for crank works Rotorua.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Easter Mufti Day

Easy Blog Photo
Today the whole school had a mufti day to raisee money for Tonga. The mufti day was based on Easter and we could have any mufti on but there was a competition for who had the best easter bunny or Easter themed costume.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Week 10 Term 1

Please make sure you have a look at your child's blog so you can help them with their maths goals. All students have their RE books at home, please take a look with your child and fill in the Whanau page. Students need PE and swimming gear every day this week.

Here is a video that Riley took during camp. Looks like fun.


Interschool swimming

Singing Practice

9.00am Stations of the Cross Liturgy. Church
12.30-1.15pm. Spreadsheets workshop for teachers and senior school students

BOP Swimming Sports
9.45am Donkey Parade. School Field. Students to wear clothes from ‘Jesus’ era.
11.00am Pasifika Group
11.45am School Band
GoldenTime - Wheels
Sausage Sizzle
2.00pm School Choir and Band End of Term 1 Soirée

Swimming with Henk

This week we have been swimming with Henk. Having fun in the pool.