Thursday, 29 June 2017

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Sustainability Exhibition

It was so much fun sharing all of our learning today. Here is a snapshot.

Thanks to everyone who cold come visit.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017


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Today we had a litergey . It was About Matariki .it means the seven stars, there is a story of Matariki.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Working towards our Sustainability Exhibition

Today the students were very busy working on their sustainability exhibition projects. There was a lot of participating and contributing and problem solving. The students are excited to be sharing their learning with our community on Wednesday afternoon.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Week 9 Term 2

Kia ora koutou,

All of the students have been busily preparing for our Sustainability exhibition on Wednesday. Please come to see all the learning that has been happening in the senior school, you can stop by any time from 1:30pm -5:30pm on Wednesday.  Stay on for the cultural dinner afterwards!


Matariki liturgy 10am in the hall

Sustainability Exhibition 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Wayne Maxwell's funeral 11am at Osbournes funeral home. Parents wishing to take their child should sign them out at the school office.  Please bring your child back so they can take part in the Sustainability exhibition.

Warmer day - bring something yummy to warm up for lunch
Hunter Valley Grammar School (29 students + 4 teachers) from Australia who are in Rotorua, will be performing for us next at 1.30pm. Performance time approx 30-40mins Whanau are more than welcome to attend. 

Sausage sizzle
Cake decorating competition

Friday, 23 June 2017

Sausage Sizzle

Easy Blog Photo
Today Jett and William did the sausage sizzle with Vivy. In the poring cold rain. Did you know that vivy has cooked about 60 thousand sausages and she has been working here for eight years.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Week 8 Term 2

The weeks are flying by!

Please put the afternoon of Wednesday 28 June in your diary to visit our classroom.  All of the students will be sharing their learning through the concept of Sustainability.  Everyone is invited so please spread the word to your extended family and our wider community. The classroom will be open from 1:30pm-5:30pm and is followed by the school cultural dinner.

There is a mountain of lost property at school. Room 5 have shared a video, take a look to see if any of it belongs to you.

Here is last week's Newshub.

This week.

Bring some canned or packaged food for the Young Vinnies.

Interschool cross country (some students only)

School singing

Warmer day - bring something yummy to heat up for lunch
Epro8 challenge (some students only)
ICT club at lunchtime

Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass
Spelling test - learn your words to get a raffle ticket and Banqer bonus.

Friday, 16 June 2017

J Rock

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Today our school st Mary's school will Show us a profrmens.

Service for our community

Today Riley and Ryan visited a home in our community to help the homeowners clear some of the leaves from their property. It was fun and a bit of exercise while contributing to a good cause. I know the homeowners were happy for the help.

Sausage sizzle

Today our sausages were happily cooked by Liam and DJ. Great work boys - no complaints!

Martial Arts

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Today our Chinese lesson we were learning martial arts.

Whizzing into Maths early on Friday morning.

Now it is winter it's nice to come into class early on a Friday morning to get some Mathswhizz under our belts before school starts. And today we even had a warm cookie to get us going!

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Newshub E6 S1.

Many of the students in Room 4 have been working hard to make sure that our Newshub gets uploaded on time each week. We are continuing to refine our processes and it is getting easier each week. We now have a number of students who are able to do different parts of the production.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Week 7 term 2

J Rock students out all day

Optional late start for students involved in J Rock (10:30am).

9.00am ICAS Spelling/Writing

Warmer Day - bring something yummy to heat up.
ICT club at lunchtime

School photos
Corbin's organising GoldenTime.

Can yo help keep Rotorua beautiful.

We have been asked by the Council to help an elderly person clear the leaves form their front yard. I have the sack to fill and the house is in Lytton Street. Please email Mr James if you and your child would like to do this.


My children an I have already helped one elderly person in Glenholme fill their sack, it didn't take too long.

School Photos information

The close off for ordering school photos is THIS Thursday 12.30pm. After that parents will have to order photos directly with Photolife.

Young Vinnies collection
Our young Vinnies group are collecting canned packaged food. Please donate some if you can on Friday. 

Friday, 9 June 2017

Sausage sizzle

This week both Jett and Jayden helped cook the sausages. There weren't any complaints so they must be pretty handy on the bbq.

Old school BYOD

Today Nathaniel brought in his typewriter to use. It was great but the backspace key didn't work quite as well as his Chromebook.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Maths Whizz

Here is some information for students and parents about Maths Whizz.

We don't have too much homework in Room 4, Maths Whizz and spelling lists are things that students should be working on each week.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Week 6 Term 2

Our class attended the Parish Mass on Friday. It was really nice for the students to join our community in Church. Mr Macmillan commented how reverent and well behaved our class was.


School singing practice
J Rock practice

Warmer day - bring something to warm up for lunch.
ICT Club at lunchtime

Sausage sizzle
Spelling test - learn your words. 
PI group

We were lucky to win the school Gala cake competition and have been given some ice cream and toppings to enjoy. We'll make time this week to enjoy this. Thanks lovely PTA.

Please check your child has a blue pen. 

Old books - Do you have any old books in good condition you would like to donate to our school? We are starting a book swap for students and would like a few books to get us started. Books suitable for students Year 1-6 would be much appreciated.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Sausage sizzle

Today Jett helped out with the cooking of the sausages at school. Looks like he was having great fun.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Newshub E5 S1.

Here is this week's St Mary's Newshub. This week is a bit of a fidget special, a tribute to Mrs Nieuwboer and also a wrap up of the cross country. Enjoy!
If the video won't load click on the Youtube link at the bottom right of the video to view in Youtube.

Making Fire

Easy Blog Photo
Reading group Ruapehu were doing a reading experiment and ended up making a fire here are some photos and a video.

Reading Into A Fire Exsperamint

Today our reading group found out how to make fire with a magnifying glass.

Swimming with Henk

This week we have been swimming with Henk. Having fun in the pool.