Sunday, 29 October 2017

Week 3 Term 4

We are swimming this week (Monday-Thursday).

Emmaus Icon Visits St Mary's Church this Thursday. The icon is travelling around the Diocese as part of Bishop Steve's 'Hearts Burning' focus. Father has invited and urged for classes and families to visit it while it is here and say a short prayer before it. 

Last day for Calendar art orders to the office.


Student Led conferences
To book an interview please follow this process -
parent/teacher interview school bookings
event code hmm6n

*Please note that bookings are at 5 minute intervals - expect the Student Led Conference to take approximately 15 minutes.

Athletics practice (bring your PE gear)

8.45 am Rosary (Juniors leading)

Go4It PE (bring your PE gear)
All Souls/Saints Liturgy in the school hall at 10am.
Order Juicies and sausages for tomorrow.

School Athletics for Year 3-6:       (Studnets go straight to the Stadium No. 2 ground)
Year 3-6 Inter House Athletics is this Friday 3rd November 8:45-2:30pm
We are still looking for parents to assist us on the day. If you are able to help please email Lorna Dobson in Room 6.
If your child requires a sausage and juicy lunch they will need to be ordered on Thursday.

It would be wonderful to have you spend the day with us.

Next week
Grandparents/Friends Mass and Picnic is week 4 Friday 10th November. 
Starts with Mass at 9:00, then refreshments at the school, then a mini concert from our various school groups. Weather permitting it will be outside on the field. Newbies welcomed also-Room 10.

Emmaus Icon Visits St Mary's Church this Thursday. The icon is travelling around the Diocese as part of Bishop Steve's 'Hearts Burning' focus. Father has invited and urged for classes and families to visit it while it is here and say a short prayer before it. 

Friday, 27 October 2017

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Monday, 23 October 2017

Week 2 Term 4

Quite a few notices this week.

No swimming this week (odd weeks only)

Year 6 Parents meeting 5pm in R3
All Year6 student's parents are invited to hear information about the Pre-puberty unit.

Working Bee on Saturday
Next weekend we are have a working bee at our school. We have a number of jobs on our list ranging from handy-man jobs, spreading cushionfall under the senior playground, maintenance on the senior playground, replacing rotten palings on our boundary fences, repairing the tops of our garden plots, putting up the shade cloth and I am sure there will be plenty more jobs to do. Come along and meet other parents, enjoy a morning tea and a delicious lunch. Children are welcome also. For catering purposes please let the office know if you can assist, even if it is for an hour or two.

Sacramental programme
We would like all our school families to consider having their child make their First Holy Communion and Reconciliation. This is a notice from our parish.

The Sacramental Programme is for children who wish to make their First
Holy Communion and Confirmation and also a serious commitment to the
practice of their Catholic Faith. The enrolment is at St Mary’s Catholic
Church 7.00 pm, THIS TUESDAY 24th October. There will be a briefing
on the Sacramental Programme, dates will be given and a fee of $25.00 per
child is to be paid either by cheque or cash. Children who have not been
baptised in Rotorua will need to bring their baptismal certificate.
The children are required to be 8 years old by 1st November 2017. Children
who are not baptised and would like to become Catholics are also welcome

to be a part of the Sacramental Programme.

Student Led conferences
Tuesday 31 October (booking information will be out during this week ).

All students are expected to be in summer uniform for the rest of the year, this includes sandals and a school hat. Students that don't have a school hat will need to play under shade at break times. (Corbin and Leah, your hats are in class).

Visitor (Sign language)
Year 6 Parents meeting. 5pm in R3.
Last day for reading Logs
Rosary (8:45am, Juniors leading)
GO4It and Athletics practice (Bring your PE gear)
Sausage Sizzle
PI group practice
R16/17 Assembly
Working Bee

Friday, 20 October 2017


Today we went to Go4It with Tim and we learnt a new game called...
the game that Tim tough us was a mix of all different types of spots like for example basketball with defending and rugby with kicking and passing and all different types sports it was relay fun because it was mixed so it was fun to kick and fun to pass with your hands.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


Today the Senior School led the school in a Rosary liturgy. All the children read really well and helped the younger children learn about the Rosary.

Defining Symbolism

Easy Blog Photo
Looking into Symbolism today. We discussed and displayed what we think Symbolism is and then we thought about some "What if?" questions.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Week 1 Term 4

Ki ora, I hope everyone has had happy and restful holiday. Here are the notices for week 1.
Remember - Summer uniform. 
We are swimming during odd weeks this term.

Swimming - bring your togs

Swimming - bring your togs

Swimming - bring your togs
Rosary (8:45am)
Kapahaka performing at citizenship ceremony (some students only)

Swimming - bring your togs
Go4It - bring your PE gear.

Swimming - bring your togs
Discover China day
Sausage sizzle

Remember to bring in your reading logs.

Swimming with Henk

This week we have been swimming with Henk. Having fun in the pool.