Thursday, 30 November 2017

Senior School trip to Fairy springs

We had a fantastic trip today, everyone had a great time and truly tested the Big Splash. Thank you parents, Grandparents and others who were able to help make the day such fun.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Learning financial literacy through Banqer

We though we should share some of our learning that we have done through Banqer, our class banking platform.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Newshub E5 S4

Brooke, Brendon and a few friends have produced the latest episode of Newshub.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Week 7 Term 4

We have our trip on Thursday, if students haven't already paid $3 and handed in their permission form then please bring them on Tuesday.  We still need a few parent helpers to transport and help for the day ($5).

The Young Vinnies are still collecting cans of food, every can gets your house a point.

Teacher only day - No school!

Advent liturgy.


Senior School trip to Fairy Springs.

Year 6 Retreat, in the church hall. Year students can wear mufti.
Year 5's will take part in leadership activities at school.

Here is the events calendar for the remainder of the year.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Spending our Banqer money

Today Una and Imogen got tho have morning tea in the staffroom with Mr J and Mr Macmillan. Imogen purchased this for about $16,000 hard earned Banqer dollars.

Sausage sizzle

Today Jett and KJ helped cook the sausages, what a lovely day to be outside having fun. 

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Preparing our speeches

We have been very bust preparing our speeches. We have researched symbolism and Kiwiana, organised our ideas and research on a mind map, typed our speech onto a Google doc, recorded our speech and linked it onto our blog, and finally we are creating cue cards to help us present our speeches.

Below is Janine's speech, check out the student blogs link on the left to hear some more.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Week 6 Term 4

On Tuesday the Year 6 students are visiting JPC for the afternoon. Please note there is not transport provided, Students need to be at JPC at 12pm.

We are going to Rainbow Fairy Springs on 30th November. We need some parents/ Grandparents to help transport and supervise. Notices will be coming home this week. Please email me if you are available to help. The cost of the trip will be $3 for students and adults will need to pay $5.

We are swimming every day this week.

Ahurei practice 9-10am

Ahurei practice 9-10am
Interschool Athletics (some students only)

School singing practice

Ahurei practice

Ahurei practice
Sausage sizzle

Coming up

  • 21st November:  JPC Orientation Day for Year 6s
  • 23rd November: Coaches Thank You Evening
  • Friday 24th November: Ahurei Performance
  • 27 November: Teacher Only Day
  • 30 November:  ELL Picnic
  • 30 November: Totara Trip out
  • 30 November: Kakano and Manuka teams’ Celebration with parents
  • 1st December: Year 6 Retreat
  • 2nd December: Rotorua Christmas Parade
  • 7th December: Junior Big Day Out
  • 8th December: Reports issued to Yr 3-6 students
  • 8th December: End of year Mass
  • 12th December: Prizegiving
  • 13th December: Junior Athletics Day
  • 14th December: School Tryathlon
  • 15th December: Missioning of Year 6 students

Friday, 17 November 2017

Newshub E4 S4

Here is this week's Newshub. Produced by Brendon and Reegan.

Watch via Youtube if it doesn't load for you.


This week we have been having extra swimming lessons with the instructors from Swim Rotorua.

Sausage sizzle

This week Ava and Jett cooked the sausages. Yummy!

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Week 5 Term 4

  • We are starting our Young Vinnies can collection for Christmas. Please bring in a can of food to donate. Write your house on it so you get a point for your house. 
  • Please check you have enough stationery - Notes went home to parents last week. 
  • All students need to be in correct uniform - Mr Macmillan spoke to our class last week about too many studnets wearing incorrect hats and jumpers. 
  • There will be extra Kapahaka practices this week for students involved in Ahurei. 

  • Year 6 Orientation Day. You will have been advised by JPC via email that this day is the 21st of November and runs from 12 pm until 2.30 pm. This year a bus will NOT be provided by JPC therefore parents will need to take children to, and pick up from JPC. We understand that this will be difficult for some working parents and would suggest you might like to share transporting with other families. 





Sausage sizzle
Mufti Day - Gold coin donation for Young Vinnies.  Dress as your favourite book character.

Upcoming dates:

  • 17th November: Young Vinnies Mufti Day
  • 21st November:  JPC Orientation Day for Year 6s
  • 23rd November: Coaches Thank You Evening
  • Friday 24th November: Ahurei Performance
  • 27 November: Teacher Only Day
  • 30 November:  ELL Picnic
  • 30 November: Totara Trip out
  • 30 November: Kakano and Manuka teams’ Celebration with parents
  • 1st December: Year 6 Retreat
  • 2nd December: Rotorua Christmas Parade
  • 7th December: Junior Big Day Out
  • 8th December: Reports issued to Yr 3-6 students
  • 8th December: End of year Mass
  • 12th December: Prizegiving
  • 13th December: Junior Athletics Day
  • 14th December: School Tryathlon
  • 15th December: Missioning of Year 6 students

Friday, 10 November 2017

Grandparents day celebrations

We had a fantastic celebration with our Grandparents today.  Thank you to everyone who attended, below are a small selection of the celebration photos.

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Week 4 Term 4

Puberty Lessons Yr 6 and  Leadership Yr 5.

PE - Bring your PE gear.
Puberty Lessons Yr 6 and  Leadership Yr 5.

Puberty Lessons Yr 6 and  Leadership Yr 5.

School Athletics - Meet at Stadium No. 2 field at 8:45am.
There will be no sausage sizzle on Thursday.

Grandparents day
Mass at 9am
Shared morning tea (All students please bring something to share with our class)
School performances after morning tea (Kapahaka, PI group, Gymnastics, Filipino group,

Upcoming dates:

  • 17th November: Young Vinnies Mufti Day
  • 21st November:  JPC Orientation Day for Year 6s
  • 23rd November: Coaches Thank You Evening
  • Friday 24th November: Ahurei Performance
  • 27 November: Teacher Only Day
  • 30 November:  ELL Picnic
  • 30 November: Totara Trip out
  • 30 November: Kakano and Manuka teams’ Celebration with parents
  • 1st December: Year 6 Retreat
  • 2nd December: Rotorua Christmas Parade
  • 7th December: Junior Big Day Out
  • 8th December: Reports issued to Yr 3-6 students
  • 8th December: End of year Mass
  • 12th December: Prizegiving
  • 13th December: Junior Athletics Day
  • 14th December: School Tryathlon
  • 15th December: Missioning of Year 6 students

Thursday, 2 November 2017


Here is the latest episode of the R4Studios Newshub.

Emmaus Icon

As part of Bishop Steve's "With Burning Hearts," focus the Emmaus icon has been visiting many of the Catholic churches in our Diocise.

Today we read scripture from the Bible, (Luke 24: 13-35) The Emmaus story.  Afterwards we visited our church to see the icon and reflect on the story.

Swimming with Henk

This week we have been swimming with Henk. Having fun in the pool.