Friday, 15 December 2017

Superheroes video

A group of Room 4 students have created a short video trailer that has plenty of symbolism.

Click on the word Youtube within the video player if it won't load.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The boys were baking

Brendon, Angus, Reegan and Zach baked and delivered some Christmas cheer to the Fire Brigade and the Emergency department at the hospital today. Thanks Mr Caley for helping and transporting.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Spreading more goodness

 Mrs Elmiger and these students delivered some baking to a local rest home.

Paying it forward

Groups of students and parents have continued to bake and deliver the goodness to worthy recipients around town. More to come yet too.

Thanks Viv for helping with this group.

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Week 9 Term 4

Our students were brilliant in Mass on Friday, Lily spoke really well, Nathaniel and William controlled the AV and our readers were exceptional. Congratulations to all the prize winners.

Our class and Room 1 are performing a song during the Christmas carols on the field on Monday. Students need to make a maracas or bring one, and also bring some Mexican style clothing (mufti will do).

We are going to try to swim this week, although there are many things on. Students should bring togs every day (Monday - Thursday).

Christmas carols on the field at 11am.  Everyone is welcome.

Prize giving in the hall at 9am.

Singing practice
Meeting new teachers for 2018 (Year 0-5)

Secret Santa in R4. Most students know who they are buying for. Please no more than $5.
Tryathlon (times to be confirmed). All students will be participating. Everyone is welcome.

Missioning of Year 6 students in the school hall at 11am. School finishes straight afterwards. 1/2 day!

Friday, 8 December 2017

Getting started with Minecraft

We are teaching Mr J how to use Minecraft Edu. Here is a short video of one group's project, our school. We are learning to collaborate, communicate and be supportive group members in an online setting. Of course we are having FUN too.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Christmas Cookies

Today Janine, Anya, Brooke and Jaymie baked some cookies for our St Johns staff. Thank you Mrs Hall for helping the girls and also taking them to deliver them.

Hour of Code

This week we have been coding lots, this helps us develop our problem solving skills, reading, creativity and most of all it's fun.

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Week 8 Term 4


Swimming at the Aquatic centre. We will be transported by bus and only be there for an hour.



Go4It PE

NO SAUSAGE SIZZLE (Finished for the year).
End of Year Mass 1pm (Everyone is welcome to join us in the Church).
Reports are going home.

Week 9 events:
We are swimming.

Christmas on the field (Everyone is welcome)

Prizegiving -9am



Missioning of year 6 students - 11am
School finishes at Midday.

Swimming with Henk

This week we have been swimming with Henk. Having fun in the pool.