Saturday, 27 May 2017

week 5 Term 2

Here is last week's Newshub. We are gradually refining our process for getting this published by Friday each week. This is a great way for letting our community know what is happening at school and for allowing students to follow and share their interests. Maybe it will stop raining enough one weekend to allow for a few more sports reports.

This week:

Mr James and the ICT leaders are at the Interface expo.
New spelling words will be posted on the Learning site

ICAS Science test (some students only)

School Singing
J Rock practices (some students only)
WHAT: A Parent Information Evening on the Catholic School.
WHEN: 31st May 5:30-6:30pm
WHO: New parents, those intending on sending their child on to JPC, anyone who would like to know more of what is  taught/expected at a Catholic School.
WHERE: Room 14, St Mary’s Catholic School Rotorua
If you know of anyone thinking of sending their child to our school please also inform them of this opportunity.
Bernie Hall -DRS

Warmer Day - bring something wrapped in tinfoil to warm up for lunch.
Art with Mrs Kusabs - bring your recycled bits for art

Early Morning Maths Whizz 8-8:30am in R4 (see note below)
Sausage sizzle
We will hopefully be attending the parish Mass at 9am (to be confirmed)
Chinese with Bethany
Mrs Nieuwboer's last day ;-(

Early morning Maths whizz: This is completely optional. Students are invited to come into Room 4 from 8am on Friday to spend some time on Maths whizz. It might be nice to come into the nice warm classroom early and do some learning at the same time. This is a quiet learning time so only Maths Whizz will be happening, students who can't or don't want to do this can wait outside until the normal time of 8:30am. 

Parents: Please check your child has a blue pen to use at school.  Sometimes its the little things that make learning tough. 

Friday trips

Friday was a very busy and exciting day for  Room 4 as visited the gardens at the museum and also took part in the cross country.

Thank you to all the parents who were able to help, we really appreciate your efforts.

George talking with us about how Maori got their kai.

Zach and Jett having a go at gardening with traditional Maori tools.
Lily, Reegan and Anya gardening. 

Corbin steaming to the finish line. 

Monday, 22 May 2017

St Mary's Newshub

Here is Episode 2 of St Mary's Newshub. We had a few technical difficulties this week but it is now ready to share.

Mystery photo

Here is this week's mystery photo. Put your answer and name on a piece of paper and put in the box in class.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Week 4 Term 2

Thank you to the parents who were able to accompany us to the show on Friday.
Thank you also to those parents who have indicated they can help with our Museum trip on Friday morning and the cross country in the afternoon. I will be in touch to confirm times early this week.

Chromebooks: Please make sure your child charges their chromebook at home overnight ready for learning. Students will not be able to charge their own chromebooks during learning time. Thank you parents for your support with this, hopefully with your support your child can be organised and ready for learning.

Cross country training bring your PE gear

Squash - bring your PE gear

8.00 am J-Rock
School singing practice
1.30pm J-Rock Practice for all dancers. Hall

Warmer day - bring something wrapped in tinfoil to heat up.
ICT club
Art with Mrs Kusabs - bring anything you might like to add to your recycled and reused art.

Museum trip
Cross country - Below is the outline of the day.
No sausage sizzle

Annual Inter-House School Cross Country.
Our annual Inter-House school cross country will be held on the afternoon of Friday 26th May 2017 in the Redwoods Forest. This event is for Yr 3-6 students.

Children need to be assembled in house groups at our school ‘HQ’ near the Redwoods Visitor Centre, Long Mile Road by 12:50pm ready for a briefing.  The first race will be at 1:00pm with the event finishing by 2:30pm.

Children come to school in full uniform and change into PE gear for the afternoon’s events.  For the event children will need:
Running shoes
Polar  fleece jacket /school jersey
A drink bottle, lunch / snacks
Spare set of clothes
Any medication required

To make this a successful & enjoyable event for everyone we require parental assistance both with regards to transport and marshalling on the day.

We will need the following help at various times on the day from parents:
12:30pm Transporting children from school to the Redwoods Visitor Centre
1pm – 2:20pm Marshalling in the forest on the day
2:30pm Transporting those children who catch a bus or require after school care back to school

All other children are to be collected by their parents by 2:30pm from the Redwoods.

If you have already indicated that you are available to help with transport for the cross country , thank you and I will be in touch early in the week.

Event outline:
1:00pm 7 & 8 yr old Girls 1.10pm 7 & 8 yr old Boys
1:20pm 9 year old Girls 1:30pm 9 Year old Boys
1.40 pm 10 year old Girls 1.50pm 10 year old Boys
2.00pm 11 year old Girls 2.05pm 11 year old Boys

Thanking you in anticipation for your help and support to make this a successful day.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Week 2 Term 2

Thanks to the parents who were able to come to New World on Thursday.

Spelling lists will be posted later tonight. Please take the time to your child learn these words, it makes reading and writing so much easier. Other home learning this week should include Maths Whizz and reading through the persuasive writing that the children are still working on. Your child can also tell you a lot about what they learned during our Food for Thought lessons last week.

Our first edition of the St Mary's Newshub will be out this week.  Many of the students in R4 have been working hard to get this up and running, they have done an amazing job so far.

Cross country training bring your PE gear

Squash - bring your PE gear

School singing practice nd Reading log draw.
Cross country training bring your PE gear
1.30pm J-Rock Practice for all dancers. Hall

Cross country training bring your PE gear
Warmer day - bring something wrapped in tinfoil to heat up.
ICT club - Google sites for making easy websites. Parents are welcome. 12:30-1:10pm

JPC show
GoldenTime: Baby pics identification competition. Students are to send Mr James a baby photo if you have not already.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Sustainability poster

Yesterday we took some photos of students holding the letters spelling Sustainability. Today Brendon and Angus used these photos to make the poster below. They used Pages on a MacBook and have used a number of tools including green screening to make the students stand out on the orange background. Pretty impressive.

This poster will be displayed in class
We also made a start on our R4 News hub - watch this space.

Heathy Food

Easy Blog Photo
Today Andy the health person came in to teach us about healthy diet she showed us the food pyramid and told us that we can control what we eat and how much sugar in our every day lives. We also learned about carbonhydrates and that it gives us energy.


Easy Blog Photo
Bella practicing her racket skills. 
More squash fun. Today we were refining our racket skills through some relays.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Mystery photo

Here is this week's mystery photo. Write your answer and name on a piece of paper then put it into the entry box in class.

What do you think this could be?

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Week 2 Term 2

It was a great day on Friday at the mini marathon, all the children who took part had fun and should be proud of themselves.

We have three trips coming up that I require parent helpers and transport for:

Thursday this week - Walking to New World supermarket and back. Leaving school at 11:00am and returning around 1pm. UPDATE: we are now driving to New World, leaving at 12:10pm.

Friday 26th Visiting the Museum (Bus provided so parent helpers only required) 9-11:45am.

Friday 26th Cross country Transport is required for this - leaving school at about 1pm.  Students will go home directly from the Redwoods

Please complete this form to let me know when you are available to help.

St Mary’s would like to invite all parents/whanau to complete the following Health and PE survey.

Please click on the link HEALTH to take you to the form.

Thanks.  Mrs Sheryl Todd

Home learning:

  • Learn your spelling words
  • Edit your writing with someone at home
  • Show someone at home your blog.
  • Use the resources on the Learning site to get a head start on some learning. 

Bring your PE gear for a run

Squash - bring your PE gear

School singing
Bring your PE gear for a run

Walking to New World - 9-11:45am
Warmer day - bring something small wrapped in tinfoil to heat up for lunch (not cook).
No Kapahaka this week

Bring your PE gear for a run
Spelling test - learn your lists here
Sausages and Juicies for lunch
Goldentime - Send Mr James a baby photo, Brooke and Jaymie are organising a little competition.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Thursday, 4 May 2017


Yesterday some boys went out with the goal of learning some new tools on IMovie. Looks like fun.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Midweek reminders.

Here is a map of our course for the mini marathon on Friday.

Remember: Meet Mr James by the St Mary's flag at Government Gardens on Friday morning. Wear your PE uniform and bring your bag with lunch, drink, warm jacket. We will walk back to school together afterwards. We should be back in time for lunchtime.

Order your Sausages and juices on Thursday


Easy Blog Photo
Today we had our first squash lesson with the guys from Sport Bay of Plenty. They will be back over the next few weeks.

Mystery photo

Write your guess and name on a piece pf paper and put it in the box before Friday.

Swimming with Henk

This week we have been swimming with Henk. Having fun in the pool.