We have three trips coming up that I require parent helpers and transport for:
Thursday this week - Walking to New World supermarket and back. Leaving school at 11:00am and returning around 1pm. UPDATE: we are now driving to New World, leaving at 12:10pm.
Friday 26th Visiting the Museum (Bus provided so parent helpers only required) 9-11:45am.
Friday 26th Cross country Transport is required for this - leaving school at about 1pm. Students will go home directly from the Redwoods
Please complete this form to let me know when you are available to help.
St Mary’s would like to invite all parents/whanau to complete the following Health and PE survey.
Please click on the link HEALTH to take you to the form.
Thanks. Mrs Sheryl Todd
Home learning:
- Learn your spelling words
- Edit your writing with someone at home
- Show someone at home your blog.
- Use the resources on the Learning site to get a head start on some learning.
Bring your PE gear for a run
Squash - bring your PE gear
School singing
Bring your PE gear for a run
Walking to New World - 9-11:45am
Warmer day - bring something small wrapped in tinfoil to heat up for lunch (not cook).
No Kapahaka this week
Bring your PE gear for a run
Spelling test - learn your lists here
Sausages and Juicies for lunch
Goldentime - Send Mr James a baby photo, Brooke and Jaymie are organising a little competition.
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